At FLUDEK we offer our customers products for cutting, sheet metal forming, cleaning agents, and industrial lubrication with state of the art technology and solutions for specific operations.

Our customers will have the best coordinated technical assistance and service quality.

We have associates that are committed with our values, are extensively trained and dedicated to our customers’ needs.



Being an stable and acknowledged company in the domestic metal-mechanic industry, promoting products and services satisfying our customers’ needs, projecting a future international marketing, with the same present reputation.



  • We live as leaders: We are defined with a foolproof corporate motivation.
  • Perseverance: It is our basic principle; it has kept us active since the beginning and continued through years; it has been effective in problems and projects solving; and be aware and shape the future.
  • Integrity as a way of life: With ourselves, our customers and associates, our culture and our planet.
  • Customer Orientation: Relationship and knowledge with our customers is an essential part of our culture, it commits us to give the best service.
  • Job is made by everybody: No action is too small, everything is translated into results, and success we produce as a team.

 Tel / Fax: +52 (444) 811 6380

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